Friday, September 9, 2011

This is my first blog entry and I thought that I had profound things to say ... until I started to write ...

I have read more than once that an idea can change the world.  I have racked my brain for an interesting idea ... one that will change the world.

Once my six year old son told me that zero and infinity were the same.  When I heard this I thought -- no son they are different opposites -- then the idea stuck in my mind.  I now think, what a great idea,  I believe my young son pulled a truth out of the universe. What if zero and infinity are the same what in our world would change?  When you spend your last penny instantly you have infinite wealth, the world is yours.  Your friends all leave you and instantly you have more friends that you can count ... you just have to find them.

So what idea do I have?  What idea will stick in someone's mind?    Nothing unique comes to mind so I will just reiterate a thought by Tagore "Emancipation from the bondage of the soil is no freedom for the tree."   I love this quote and I am trying to understand why is resonates with me.   I have always believed that some point in my life I would be free.  I would have money to do what I want, I would be surrounded by those that love me, I would not worry about a thing.  I realized today why I like this quote ... I am already free ... the laws of this universe is my soil. 

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