Sunday, December 11, 2011

A poem ... The Game

The Game

Sultry eyes
Capture me

Slave now

Silent words
Whisper need

Hungry greed

Naughty wink
Starts the game

I wish I knew
Your lovely name

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A poem ... The Dance

The Dance

Green little leaf
Alone on a tree

Dancing and jumping
For the world to see

Sun is shinning
The day is bright

The wind is cold
With winters bite

Dressed in color
Ruby Red

Dancing furious
Almost dead

Floating down
Dance is done

Sleeping warmly
In the sun

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A poem ... Java


She saunters in
   Radiant smile
Golden hair
   Killer style

Friend to me
   Friend to you
She's no friend
  To the running shoe

Laughing eyes
   Our secret commune
Happier now
   I'm not immune

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A poem ... Polar Light

Polar Light

Majestic spirit of the night
You are my polar light

Leaving the safety of your side

Ashamed now, I look to hide

Wandering on the road of pain

A windy, dreary endless plain

Broken, blind on the ground

Not a creature, not a sound

I feel your love from afar

Smiling from your distant star

Sensing a touch in my sleep

A gentle kiss, alone I weep

A beautiful tune filled with strife

I awake to the music of my life

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A poem ... Distance


Beautiful woman

    with perfect smile 

Sleep in peace,
    dream for a while

Love radiates
    from my heart

Across the gulf
    that keeps us apart

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A poem ... Greetings


Saddam and George
Two dangerous men

One ruled with the sword
The other a pen

The pen is mightier than the sword
And Saddam earned his just reward.

Saddam when you reach your fiery hell
Ask my mother if she is doing well.

A poem ... Sprite


Beautiful spirit skipping along
In the graveyard singing her song
Falling fast, I wake with a start
A haunting melody pulls at my heart
Like a shadow on a cold dark night
My eyes are blind,  my beautiful sprite

Now springing from my earthly bed
I wander once more among the dead.

Searching for that mystical song
And the home where I belong

A poem ... Sun Princess

Sun Princess

Wind whipped 
Blowing frost
Fleeing now
All is lost


Bitter cold
Skin white

Instead of gold

Sun Princess

Far from sea
Return now

Live with me

A poem ... The Storm

The Storm

Sitting alone in a cold dark place

My heart lost in the inner space

Bleak, black darkness fills my form

Shaking in terror of the approaching storm

Too weak to stand, too weak to fight

My soul sinks into the endless night

His hand rips the shroud away

From chaos emerges a brighter day

A poem ... Rampage


Little beast so small and mean
The cutest dog you've never seen

Teeth so sharp they tear your face
A little yip, a quickened pace

The tiny beast devours all he sees
Then scrambles to your knees

Eyes so dangerous they can kill
Holding him close you've lost your will

A poem ... Lovely Song

Lovely Song

Pretty bird singing a song
Laughing and chirping all day long

Locked behind a golden cage
Remembering days of another age

Freedom and joy follow her voice
I have to laugh, I have no choice

This lovely bird is precious to me
I wish I could but set her free.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A poem ... Aura


Shadowed light
Dancing for me
Beauty now
For all to see
Frozen image
Aura bright
Memories burn
Throughout the night

A poem ... Maiden


Little maiden destroyed inside
Growing up, trying to hide

Children, friends a husband too
The loneliness is nothing new

Courage now to start again
Forging ahead despite the pain

Walls erected very strong
Shielded from a lonely song

The island fortress stands alone
Waves of love break on the stone

Freedom finally within her grasp
Demons sleeping, alone at last

A poem ... Day by the Sea

Day by the Sea

The day was bright
The waves rolled in
Scanning the beach
For women and skin

Disaster loomed
Oh where to begin
All the girls
As ugly as sin

My lofty standards
Urged me to flee
Back to the car
Away from the sea

Undaunted, smiling
He explained to me
"Lower your standards
And you will be free"

A poem ... Lost Soul

Lost Soul

Beady eyes and fleshy jowls
Waking neighbors with eerie howls

Prowling along corporate halls
Blood and viscera line the walls

Quivering alone under a chair
Another victim dragged to the lair

Broken bones line the space
Of this most wretched place

I tremble and shake in abject fear
With the nameless one so very near

Breathing out vicious discourses
I sit alone with human resources.

A poem ... My Delight

My Delight

Laughter, joy, run and jump
The dishes rattle at every thump

Movies, swimming spaghetti too
Yawns and giggles nothing new

Children now my only delight
So very hard to say good night

Urchins bouncing in their room
Soon as quiet as a tomb

My heart is bursting with radiant love
I send my thanks to God above

A poem ... Marlboro Man

Marlboro Man

A little man, a pathetic life

All alone with his fattened wife

Just a speed bump in the road of pain
A constant throbbing cerebral vein

Adventure whispers to his soul
To die with honor is his goal

With trembling knees and shaking hands
He starts his travel to distant lands

Racing, finally fully alive
He dies in a crash on the 405

A poem ... The Breakup

The Breakup

The black hole started deep in my heart
As Cupid's arrow was broken apart

Tearing and ripping into an open sore
Pain so unbearable, I can take no more

Slowly the poison entered my brain
Enhancing the torture and the pain

The universe I know, quickly passes by
Alone I wander and hope to die.

A poem ... Nymph


She shines when all is dark
a secret flame,
a dangerous spark

Her smile melts the icy cold
the empty place
gone in her hold

Laughter first and then I weep
finding life
in the endless deep

She touches me on another plane
changing me
I am home again.

A poem ... Siren Song

Siren Song

The haunting song has pierced my heart
A Siren's cunning javelin dart

Sleepless nights take their toll
As desire leaps from my soul

Wandering through the cold still night
I realize now I have lost the fight

In the field and in the town
In sea of love, I slowly drown

A poem ... The Lady Lied

The Lady Lied

She whispered of a fabulous child
Whose temper was so very mild

Who's perfect mouth on angelic face
was filled with music, joy and grace

She sighed with longing of his golden hair
his eyes so beautiful and his breath so fair

If I could but watch him for a time
My pleasures would be so sublime

It's been an hour and I have tried
But it obvious now the Lady lied.

A poem ... The Happy Groom

The Happy Groom

Pretty lady dressed in white
Smile so large with teeth so bright
Beads and jewels adorn your face
Giving me hope and joy and grace

A poem ... Loved All Along

Loved All Along

I know the lovely Ice Queen cold
Who terrifies the young and old

She sits on her icy throne
Meting out justice all alone

When her anger catches your eye
You wither, freeze and hope to die

I hear her sing her lonely song
I know I have loved her all along

A poem ... The Wisp

The Wisp

Sunlight sparkling from your eyes
Laughter dancing between your sighs

A wisp of your soul leapt into me
Burrowing deep where none could see

My heart beats faster with every thought,
Of memories so precious they can't be bought

Decades have drifted slowly along
My spirit has never forgotten the song

The thread that binds us will always hold
From ages past to future foretold

A poem ... The Beast

The Beast

Inside something snapped and broke
The horror within suddenly awoke

Once the beast has raised its head
It will not stop until you are dead

Run and plead and cry all night
Scream in terror of this nameless fright

Rats. boils and vermin lice
Compared to her are rather nice

The chair did splinter when she had sat
But I misspoke when I called her fat.

A poem ... September Day

September Day

Beautiful laugh
Lapping waves
Sun burning
In bright rays

Crazy dancing

Pounding drums
Police twisting
Innocent thumbs

Orange sunset

Pitch black night
Stumbling up
In little light

Home now

Ready to sleep
Memories precious
Mine to keep

Friday, September 9, 2011

This is my first blog entry and I thought that I had profound things to say ... until I started to write ...

I have read more than once that an idea can change the world.  I have racked my brain for an interesting idea ... one that will change the world.

Once my six year old son told me that zero and infinity were the same.  When I heard this I thought -- no son they are different opposites -- then the idea stuck in my mind.  I now think, what a great idea,  I believe my young son pulled a truth out of the universe. What if zero and infinity are the same what in our world would change?  When you spend your last penny instantly you have infinite wealth, the world is yours.  Your friends all leave you and instantly you have more friends that you can count ... you just have to find them.

So what idea do I have?  What idea will stick in someone's mind?    Nothing unique comes to mind so I will just reiterate a thought by Tagore "Emancipation from the bondage of the soil is no freedom for the tree."   I love this quote and I am trying to understand why is resonates with me.   I have always believed that some point in my life I would be free.  I would have money to do what I want, I would be surrounded by those that love me, I would not worry about a thing.  I realized today why I like this quote ... I am already free ... the laws of this universe is my soil.