Friday, April 30, 2021

A Poem ... To the Sea

To the Sea

Moon shines
Unmade bed
Still shadows
Black and red

Sleep hides
Beyond sight
Time slows
Eternal Night

Thoughts wander
Erratic  road
Focus lost
Heavy load

Dawn splendor
Lost again
Sleep comes
After pain

Days drag
Tired haze
Zombie walk
Modern days

Warm winds
Call to me
Come home
To the sea

Monday, April 5, 2021

A Poem ... Priorities


Soaked to the bone
Drenched by rain
Hypothermia certain
Body bathed with pain

Slip into the lecture
I knew I was late
I want to succeed
Failure is my fate

Ponder my cause
The hand I've been dealt
I curse my luck
The fortune I melt

Then I remember
Our friendship so dear
My life  looks better
When priorities are clear

A Poem ... Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage

We've had some Collateral Damage
It's not so bad
A few innocents have died
That's so sad

We will hunt the enemies
Of our state
Into their cities
To their back gate

Those that threaten us
Have to pay
Our oil is safe
We are happy to say

A Poem ... I Am Undone

I Am Undone

Inkjet, Inkjet 
You make me cry
I bought you yesterday
Now you are dry

I have a thousand copies to run
I am undone, I am undone

Windows, Windows
You make me cry
You worked yesterday
Now you die

My presentation was going to stun
I am undone, I am undone

Chrome, Chrome
You make me cry
I found out yesterday 
You are a spy

The sites I visit I should really shun
I am undone, I am undone

Technology, Technology
You make me cry
You will not work 
No matter how I try

The changes happen so fast that it's no longer fun
I am undone, I am undone