Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Poem ... Doorway


Doorway open
To the light
Behind him
Chaos darkest night

Eternal path
Desire strong
Leave the world
Full of wrong

Girding Armor
Drawing sword
He turns his back
On his reward

Plunging headlong
Into the fray
He saves the path
For another day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Poem ... African Child

African Child

Termite towers
Rusty red
Empty veld
Heaven’s bed

Lakes dry
Winds blister
Proteas stand
Silent whisper

Different desert
Transplanted soul
African child
Bitter toll

Deadly blizzards
Freezing cold
Yearning now
Days of old

Sunshine captured
Radiates still
Amazing woman
Indomitable will

Where’re she is
Gardens bloom
Warding back
Winters doom.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A Poem ... Mariner Call

Mariner Call

Ancient window
Castle wall
Flowers stand
Bright but small

Garden swing
Empty seat
Bees hum
Ancient beat

Innocent child
Grown old
Fragile, frail
Bitter bold

Ocean whispers
Mariner call
Dreams gather
One and all

Sitting alone
Garden throne
Even the Gnomes
Are all alone.

Friday, September 3, 2021

A Poem ... September Day

September Day 

Blue, blue
Skies of fire

Clouds drift
Heavenly choir

Leaves Wave
Gentle hello

Clover flowers
Bloom below

September Day
Full of bliss

Waiting for
Autumn's kiss

Monday, August 9, 2021

A Poem ... Time Flows

Time Flows

Sunshine descends
Human form
Eyes dance
Electric storm

Stunning smile
Gentle whip
Safe harbor
For any ship

Soul enslaved
Single gaze
Flowers bloom
Summer days

Heart skips
Double beat
Holy Altar
Communion sweet

Time flows
River fast
Love calls
Distant past

Memories appear
Ethereal mist
Last touch
Eternal kiss.

Friday, August 6, 2021

A Poem ... Alberta Summer

Alberta Summer

Dry wind
Dusty grass
Barren yard
Forgotten past

Thirsty drought
Crawls along
Craving moisture
Relentless song

Wasps gather
Massive nest
Magpies scream
Unwelcome guest

Alberta summer
Hot and free
Texas weather
Follows me

Cowboy hats
Pickup trucks
Everybody left
Even ducks.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

A Poem ... Haven of Love

 Haven of Love

My tribe dances
Naked with me
During the storm
Unfettered and Free

Our island
Last Refuge
Haven of Love
Safety and Retreat

Entranced by
Rhythmic drums
Gods descend
Join the throng

Never alone
Afraid or Lost
Village Home
I sleep at last.

Friday, June 18, 2021

A Poem ... Poison Darts

Poison Darts

Chiseled marble
Form defined
Radiant beauty
Fills my mind

Smile spreads
Poison darts
Piercing souls
Piercing hearts

Enslaved now
Single caress
Trapped again
Entangled mess

Pledging obeisance
Forever true
Eternal friends
Me and you

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Poem ... She Understands

She Understands

The mirror lied
To her face
Showing lines
In empty space

Countless smiles
Wrinkles set
Love Lost
Let her forget

Grey hairs
Majestic crown
Wisdom's cloak
Encapsulated frown

Wind blows
From the east
Evil portend
Unruly beast

Summer drifts
Distant lands
Tears flow
She understands.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

A Poem ... Until We Meet

Until We Meet

Pines dance
Gentle breeze
Bird chorus
Fills the trees

Warmth fills
Empty place
Love radiates
Golden grace

Brief smile
Treasure trove
Full awareness
Garden grove

Trip across
River Styx
Delayed again
Endless tricks

Death cheated
Empty seat
Reaper waits
Until we meet

Friday, April 30, 2021

A Poem ... To the Sea

To the Sea

Moon shines
Unmade bed
Still shadows
Black and red

Sleep hides
Beyond sight
Time slows
Eternal Night

Thoughts wander
Erratic  road
Focus lost
Heavy load

Dawn splendor
Lost again
Sleep comes
After pain

Days drag
Tired haze
Zombie walk
Modern days

Warm winds
Call to me
Come home
To the sea

Monday, April 5, 2021

A Poem ... Priorities


Soaked to the bone
Drenched by rain
Hypothermia certain
Body bathed with pain

Slip into the lecture
I knew I was late
I want to succeed
Failure is my fate

Ponder my cause
The hand I've been dealt
I curse my luck
The fortune I melt

Then I remember
Our friendship so dear
My life  looks better
When priorities are clear

A Poem ... Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage

We've had some Collateral Damage
It's not so bad
A few innocents have died
That's so sad

We will hunt the enemies
Of our state
Into their cities
To their back gate

Those that threaten us
Have to pay
Our oil is safe
We are happy to say

A Poem ... I Am Undone

I Am Undone

Inkjet, Inkjet 
You make me cry
I bought you yesterday
Now you are dry

I have a thousand copies to run
I am undone, I am undone

Windows, Windows
You make me cry
You worked yesterday
Now you die

My presentation was going to stun
I am undone, I am undone

Chrome, Chrome
You make me cry
I found out yesterday 
You are a spy

The sites I visit I should really shun
I am undone, I am undone

Technology, Technology
You make me cry
You will not work 
No matter how I try

The changes happen so fast that it's no longer fun
I am undone, I am undone

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A Poem ... Mysterious Magic

Mysterious Magic

Portal to another time
Mysterious magic so sublime

Content in my golden cage
Patient silence age upon age

Single smile treasure sweet
Secret place our souls meet

Not together or alone
Lonely vigil to atone

Seat of stone, purple skies
Life blooms and finally dies

Life reborn, spring arrives
Sunshine saving countless lives

Solitary statue, stiff and straight
Waits in silence for heaven’s gate

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Poem ... Sunshine Angel

 Sunshine Angel

Sunshine captured

Embodied light

Heavenly soul

Endless delight

Minor Gods 

Watch in awe

Lilting laughter

Fulfills the law

Hands caress

Fevered brow

Wretched pain

Forgotten now

True love

Planted seed

Blossoms again

Angel indeed 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A Poem ... Essence Sweet

 Essence Sweet

Laughter rings
Heart expands
Lovely smile
Gentle hands

Love flows
Essence sweet
Souls roam
Eternal streets

You and I
Meant to be
Friends forever
Wait and see