Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Poem ... Night Stars

Night Stars

Trees reach
Distant Sky
Night stars
Burn and die
Snowy owl
Cries alone
Snow carpets
Forest Home
White drifts
Rise overnight
Surreal view
Amazing sight
Life's journey
Never ends
Grateful for
Forever friends

Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Poem ... Stars Collide

Stars Collide

Stars collide
Nova bright
Rainbow tendrils
Celestial light

Pinprick windows
Eons old
Lighting yarns
Ever told

Little child
Watch and learn
See the ghosts
All return

Melodies call
All who fly
Slowly, slowly
While we cry

Time moves
Glacial pace
One more
Day of grace

Thursday, September 3, 2020

A Poem ... The Sun

 The Sun

The sun hides
Behind sorrow
Waiting, watching
Better morrow

Fear embedded
Society’s soul
Every corner
Hides a troll

Lovers yearn
Just to touch
Six feet
Is too much

Friends unmasked
Not friends at all
Government builds
Higher walls

Civilizations crumble
When evil reigns
Weeping children
Endless pain

Hope survives
Precious few
I look for light
Is it you?

Monday, August 10, 2020

A Poem ... Mother Earth

Mother Earth

Eons of marching

Ordered ranks

Disciplined troops

Line the banks

Waiting, Watching

Disaster near

Stalwart men

Show no fear

Evil rises

All around

Life withers

Without a sound

All tremble

In dire straights

Monsters claw

At the gates

Old woman

Dances along

Deflects the menace

With a song

Drawing memories

Golden days

Laughter love

Sunshine stays

Mother earth

Reaches me

Fear leaves

I am free.

Friday, July 31, 2020

A Poem ... Garden Song

Garden Song

Garden song
Quiet smiles
Lifting Sorrowful
Life's true trials

Flowers wave
Night's cool breeze
Leaves whisper
From the trees

Happiness distills
On each soul
Eternal Toll

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Poem ... Eternal Grey

Eternal Grey

Moon shadows
Swirling blue
Music painted
Captures you

Swelling flood
Single tear
Ever near

Silent echos
Not a sound
Your melody
Still resounds

Yearning, pleading
Stay, stay, stay
Fading mist
Eternal grey

Monday, May 18, 2020

A Poem ... Sacred Song

Sacred Song

Ethereal song
Garden wings
Bee’s hum
Sacred things

Flowers bloom
Leaves appear
Spring magic
Always near

Smiles dance
In every breeze
Laughter rings
Children tease

Happiness fills
Every part
Healing now
Broken heart

God watches
Far above
Tear filled
Eternal love

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Poem ... Golden Thread

Golden Thread

Whispers dissolve
Translucent mist
History flees
Heaven’s kiss

Forgotten path
Seldom walked
Memories drift
Lovers talked 

Amber traps
Motes of dust 
Shattered dreams
Broken rust 

Reaching out
Empty air
Golden thread
Pulls you near

Sunday, February 9, 2020

A Poem ... Winter's song

Winter's Song

Dark night
Drifting snow
Bitter winds
Quickly grow

Black roads
Hidden traps
Disaster looms 
Nature snaps

Lonely man 

Wanders long 
Oblivious to 
Winter’s song

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Poem ... Quiet Silence

Quiet Silence

Joy danced 
In her eyes
Sunshine flowers
Summer surprise

Despair swirled
Around his face
Agony filled
Each empty place

Walking slowly
Thoughts entwined
In the mind

Quiet silence
Never broken
No words
Ever spoken

She flies
Far above
He yearns
Forgotten love

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Poem ... Tranquil Sea

Tranquil Sea

Time floats
Mysteriously past
Very slowly
Lightening fast

Dance reaches
From beyond
Summer pond 

Memories float
Tranquil sea
Love calls 
You to me