Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Poem ... Belief


Wind brushes
Ancient sand
Lonely wanderer
Desolate land

Fervent stride

Leathered face
Forgotten lore
Sacred place 

Knife flashes
Deadly stroke
Offering now
Acrid smoke

Broken hearts
Clerics pray
GOD smiles
Children play

Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Poem .. Till we meet

Till we meet

Mighty wall
  Stone by stone
Hides the sun
  All alone

True love
  Engulfed in flame
Loneliness, loss
  Utter shame

  Salted earth
  Second birth

Tears fill 
  Every eye
Did she, 
  Have to die?


  Memories sweet
  Till we meet

Friday, August 5, 2016

A Poem ... Defiant Man

Defiant Man

Garden flowers
Torn asunder
Hail  hurled
Noisy thunder

Forest creatures
Shiver and cry
Lightning flashes
Blackened sky

Summer storm
Angry God
Driving Rain
Earth is awed

Soaked, chilled
To the bone
Defiant man
Stands alone.

Friday, June 10, 2016

A Poem ... Another Day

Another Day

Music rises
Darkness falls
Dancing feet
Empty halls

Gentle laugh
Spirit song
Whispered love
Nothing wrong

First kiss
Perfect treat
Last touch
Bitter sweet

Restless soul
Floats away
Return again
Another day

Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Poem ... Holland


Wooden shoes
  By the door

Sparkling swept
  Kitchen floor

Delightful smells
  Oven hot
Nasi Goreng
  In the pot

The Dutch
  Are a funny race
A twinkled grin

  On every face

Salted candy 
  Is a treat?
Herring smells
  Like mother’s feet

Cheese is eaten
  By the pound
Plenty of that
  To go around

Blue plates
  Adorn each shelf
Red tulips are
  Summer’s elf

Little country

  Under sea
Why do you mean
  So much to me? 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Poem ... Was He Gross?

Was He Gross?

He didn’t know what to say

So he asked her out to play

She shook her dainty little head

Picked a book to read instead

He turned away rather morose

Was he ugly? Was he gross?

She flipped the pages lost in thought

“He talked to me and stole my heart!”

Perspective is a sneaky beast

Betraying us when we expect it least

Hold your head and walk with pride

Life only matters when you've tried.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Poem ... Winter Night

Winter Night 

Summer Rose
Fast asleep
Snow gathers
Cold and deep

Frozen earth
Granite hard
Hidden life
Leafy yard

Solid walls
Safe and warm
Sheltered from
Winter storm

Fireplace flame
Orange light
Laughter fills
Winter night

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Poem ... Beautiful Soul

Beautiful Soul

Morning dew
  Shimmering bright
Petals stretch
  Drink the light

Natural splendor
  Out of dust
Love Incarnate
  Sans the lust

Like the flower
  Ultimate goal
Smile for me
  Beautiful soul

Thursday, January 28, 2016

A Poem ... Arctic Ballet

Arctic Ballet

Frozen ice
Skates so tight
Daughter filled
With mother’s light

Sunlight slips
Into night
Fingers hurt
Winter’s bite

Home’s fire
Far away
Beautiful lonely
Arctic ballet

Memories fly
Across the tears
Only months
Seems like years