Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Poem ... Enlightened Mind

Enlightened Mind

Lonely road
Broken heart
Heavy load

Ghost wanders
Alternate plain
Returns home
Yet again

Cosmic darkness
Hazy soul
Quickened breath
Body whole

God’s playground
Eternal deep
Journey’s path
Endless sleep

Blazing Star
Metamorphic Light
Solar winds
Celestial kite

Time slips
Infinite speed
Enlightened mind
Finally freed

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Poem ... Dangerous Crutch

Dangerous Crutch

Tunnel black
Shadowed trees
Winding path
Nervous knees

Siren call
Deep within
Lust strong
Can’t begin

Heart hurting
Knife sharp ridge
Laughter close
Perilous bridge

Piercing eyes
Gentle touch
Desire, hunger
Dangerous crutch

Strongest will
Turn around
Walking straight
Without sound

Home safe
Bolted door
Memories drift

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Poem ... Haunted Knowledge

Haunted Knowledge

There's a place
Where the beach is white
People laugh and never fight

Lazy days 
Dolphins leap
Bursting from navy deep

Dancing drops
Each afternoon
Singing such a lovely tune

Thrilling flavors 
Each bite and drink
Luxurious time to sit and think 

End of day 
Setting sun
Haunted knowledge "he's the one"