Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Poem ... Home Early

Home Early

Some geese
Home early

Summer lake
Frozen over
Thick winter ice


Never looked
So Nice

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Poem ... Endless Thirst.

Endless Thirst

Grasses dance,
  Bound by root
Whistling winds, 
  Nature's flute

Lovers gaze,
  A setting sun
Afraid to stay, 
  Afraid to run

Hearts beating, 
  Quickened breath
Every moment, 
  Little death

Known path,
  Well traversed 
Lake of love,
  Endless thirst.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Poem ... Winter's Net

Winter's Net 

Warped shed
Grey and bent
Years of storm
Heaven sent

Farrowed fields
Long Asleep
Snow blanket
White and deep

Memories flood
Forgotten youth
Shadows blend
Fable with truth

Glacier valley
Wide and old
Granite walls
Vast, so cold

Frigid wind
Whistles past
Winter's net
Flung and cast