Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Poem ... I Was Lost

I Was Lost

Silent sentinels of amber light
Line the streets of darkest night

Deathly still and ramrod straight
Show the path to heaven's gate

Huddled masses move in sync
Along the abyss before the brink

Slippery long is that slope
Depths of pain without a hope

Winds gust and slumber call
Easier to stop, stay and fall

Sirens of an almighty deep
Call the living from their sleep

Awake, Rise, find the way
The goal is clear you've gone astray

Memories of a better life
Guide the weary through the strife

Gates open; wide and bright
Laughter, tears fill the night

I was lost,  you called for me
Home at last and ever free

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Poem ... My Only Defense

My Only Defense

Eyes of green
  Look through me
Furrowed brow
  What does she see?

Wrinkled nose
  Red full lips
Down-turned mouth
  Red finger tips

Shrouded silence
  Fills the space
She’s angry now
  I know that face

Excuses flash
  Emotion intense
I’m a man
  My only defense

Monday, August 4, 2014

A Poem ... Single Soul

Single Soul

Shadows dance to a hidden beat
Eternal light and mystery meet.

Spirit, aura cadence songs
Single soul rises and belongs

Time wrapped and folded right
Third eye now has the sight

Transition to a higher plane 
Forgotten earth, forgotten pain

Mortal purpose finally clear
Beautiful single rolling tear

Run, jump,  touch the sky
Live forever and never die.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Poem ... Land of Freedom

Land of Freedom

Symbols and sounds
Surround my space
Everything fits
We all have a place

They watch all
With critical eye
Do what they say
Or someone will die

Land of freedom
Distant dream
Wasteland now
Sludge and steam

The foundations groan
The sleeper awakes
Time to work
No more mistakes

Determined men
Strong and true
Start again
They know what to do

Evil flees before
Their wrath
Back to hell
They beat their path

Righteous Nation
Under GOD
We walk again
On holy sod

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Poem ... My World

My World.

I wonder 
  when we share 
a perfect view.  

Do we see 
  the same color 
and hue?

If I saw 
  your world,
through my  eyes

Would I 
would it surprise?

Is your 
  garden green, 
my navy blue?

What is lie 
what is true?

When the sparrow

Would I think
church bell rings?

The orchid
perfume scent

Heavenly rain
olfactory dent?

Tender caresses

Ambrosia sweet
mosquito bite?

I’ll keep my world
my view

Knowing we are 
me and you.

Sit with me
watch the sky

We’ll speak our truths
never lie.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Poem ... The Blossom

The Blossom

The seed 
  was thrown away

Cast aside 
   for a better day

Sitting alone 

   in the garden shed

She wasn’t alive, 
   she wasn’t dead

Seasons came 

   and seasons went

Summer days 
   and winter spent

Forgotten by 

   the garden master

Not a life 
    just disaster

A loving hand

   plucked her up

Placed at last
   in the sowing cup

  Planted deep
   on a gentle plain

Sunshine bright 

    and blessed rain

Pain of growth 
   wracked her soul

To reach the sky 
    the ultimate goal

Blossom bright 

   in that final day

Watching the children 
    laugh and play

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Poem ... Spring


Sunbeams dance in the breeze
Waves of birdsong fill the trees

Flowers bloom with fragrance sweet
Laughter, love and beauty meet

Spring my favorite time of year
Even better when you are near.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Poem ... Eden Back

Eden Back

Dusty Boots
   Beaten Hat
Western Girl
   Imagine that

Bible Verse
   In Her Heart
Lovely Feeling
   Brand New Start

Children Laugh
   Hug Her Tight
Sunshine Path
   Of Inner Light

Godly Blessed
   Each Passing Day
Eden Back
   Now To Stay