Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Poem ... The Sunset

The Sunset

The crow's ragged grating voice
Greets the dawn, not my choice
Harbinger of love or grief
Both spoils of a deceitful thief

Love's crooked path far away
Not traversed in many a day
Grief my only steadfast friend
More gifts to heal and mend

The burden each hour seems to grow
My unsteady steps are faltering slow
This journey will end soon enough
Men used to be made of sterner stuff

Heart beating, breathing ragged gasps
A loving hand my shoulder clasps
Beautiful eyes and delightful smile
Lifts my burden and my trial

Daylight breaks the darkest night
Hope replaces deadened fight
Winding road now arrow straight
I love again, it's not too late

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Poem ... A Lonely Sea

 A Lonely Sea

Black lips and smoldering eyes
Hawk nose, a brilliant disguise
Hushed whispers filled with lies
Each day a deadly surprise

Time moves at different speed
Engulfing all with urgent need
Chaos has sown that demon seed
A universe filled with lonely greed

Progress grinds the beauty down
Fields of flowers now a town
in consumer lust  we slowly drown
A dismal circus without a clown

The chains of life still holding fast
Riding a ship that flees the past
On lonely sea so dark and vast
On lonely sea so dark and vast

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Poem ... The Dish

The Dish

I am attracted to her
  Like a moth to a light
An angel smile
  An urge I can't fight

My love for her 
  Radiates my soul
The Cupid-Ferryman
  Has collected his toll

A willing slave
  To her every wish
If she could just cook
  I would eat this dish.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Poem: The Peddler

The Peddler

The tribal mask stares at me
Void of eyes, yet can see

The hidden malice radiates out
Fills my heart with dread and doubt

I tremble and plead for my life
He laughs and laughs and takes my wife.

The peddler promised serenity
Not punishment for all eternity

I sink into sleep, that endless lake
The mask waits for me to wake

I can not escape, although I try
I am held forever by his vacant eye.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Poem: Smoking Sunbeams

Smoking Sunbeams

A gentle breeze calls her name
Asking her, please join the game

Iron fetters hold her fast
Cruelly forged, in the past

Finding solace in a  single voice
Loving child, helps her choice

Gathering strength deep within
A slow dance,  she starts to spin

Pinions rumble chains break free
The world is hers, now to see

Joyous leaps and happy song
Fill the day, and all night long

Smiling at this wondrous start
Smoking sunbeams, warm her heart

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Poem: Game of the Gods

Game of the Gods

Marble faces
  Withered with time
Ageless beauty
  Too sublime

Helen of Troy
   Alive once more
Leaning softly
  Against the door

Sultry eyes
   Engaging smile
This by far
   My hardest trial

   Pulls at me

Open the cage
  And be free

Vision clouded
  Knees grown weak
Tongue twisted
  Impossible to speak

Now a prisoner

  Without a cell
Glorious Heaven or
  Fiendish hell?

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Poem: Distant Haven

 Distant Haven

darkened night
   quickened breath 

vocal moan
   little death

fingers touch
   electric spark 

steady pull
   beating heart

home's call
   far away

distant haven
   safe today

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Poem ... Radiant Life

Radiant Life

My daughters tease,
   With loving barbs
My little son says,
   "Cut the carbs"

They love me,
   This I know
In Autumn rain or
   Winter snow

Kings, Warriors
   Conquer in vain
To have the wealth
    I attain.

Sunshine bliss
   Shrouds my soul
To laugh and dance
   My only goal

I remember each
   Loved filled day
To be repeated,
   I hope and pray

This radiant life
  A gift to me
A treasure for
  All Eternity.